Take Charge of Your Life


Stop running on autopilot. It’s time to break free from unhealthy patterns and create a life driven by clarity, resilience, and emotional strength.

Hey, I’m Mike.

I’m a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), somatic men’s work facilitator, and teacher.

I help men like you develop emotional intelligence, transform sensitivity into a superpower, and create deeper connections with themselves and others.

Together, we’ll focus on three core areas—your body, your relationships, and your purpose—to shift your life from the inside out.

But let me be clear: this isn’t about pushing through or forcing change. It’s about softening into your experience, trusting your innate wisdom, and allowing that to lead you to the life you truly want.

Does this sound like you?

You turn to porn, alcohol, endless scrolling, or TV to cope.

You know these quick fixes aren’t solving the real problem, but they help you get through the day. You want something more lasting.

You can’t seem to relax or rest.

You’re always on. Even when you have time off, your mind races with thoughts about work or your next goal.

You feel anxious or flat most of the time.

You wake up feeling heavy, like you’re dragging through your day, unsure of how to snap out of it.

You don’t feel like yourself anymore.

There was a time when you felt on top of the world—confident, driven, alive. Now, that feeling has faded, and you’re not sure how to get it back.

You don’t know how to slow down.

You measure your worth by how productive you are. The idea of slowing down feels like failure, but you’re running on empty.

Conflict either shuts you down or sets you off.

When tension rises, you either withdraw or blow up, and it leaves you feeling ashamed, disconnected, and confused.

You’re not alone.

These struggles are all too common, and while the details of your story are unique, many men feel trapped in the same cycles of numbing out, dissociating, and feeling stuck.

Left unchecked, these patterns don’t just drain your energy—they can erode your relationships, your health, and your sense of self. But you don’t have to stay in that cycle.

My story.

In my 20s, I was living a life that wasn’t mine. I numbed myself with alcohol, drugs, and distractions. Burnout, anxiety, and depression were my constant companions, and by the time I was 23, I had hit rock bottom.

That’s when I knew something had to change.

My first step toward reclaiming my life was coming out—a decision that taught me the power of living authentically and trusting myself, even when it felt risky. From there, I took ownership of my healing journey.

Through somatic work, coaching, and help from my mentors, I learned how to:

  • Regulate my nervous system in moments of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

  • Accept my past without letting it control my present.

  • Build behaviors that support my mental and physical health.

  • Handle conflict with confidence and honesty.

  • Use my emotional intelligence to strengthen relationships and find purpose.

Now, I help men like you do the same.

How it works.

  • 1. Start with the Body

    Your body is where it all begins. When you’re stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious, your body holds that tension. We’ll work on building emotional resilience and somatic awareness so you can handle life’s challenges with clarity and strength.

  • 2. Strengthen Your Relationships

    Healthy relationships are the foundation of a fulfilled life. We’ll work on building deeper connections, setting boundaries, and learning how to navigate conflict with strength and vulnerability.

  • 3. Discover Purpose and Meaning

    A life without purpose and meaning feels empty. Together, we’ll explore what matters most to you and create a clear path forward, so you can live with intention.

Here’s what my clients say.

Ready for the Next Step?
Let’s Talk.

Making a change can feel like a lot, but the first step is easy: let’s have a conversation.

I offer a free 30-minute consultation with no pressure or expectation to commit. We’ll talk about where you are, what you want, and how we can work together to get you there.

If it feels right, we’ll move forward. If not, that’s okay too.

Not looking for coaching?
For collaborations, email me at mike@mikesagun.com.

Looking forward to connecting with you

What Happens During Our Work Together

As we dive into this journey, you’ll notice significant shifts—not just in how you think, but in how you feel. Working together, you’ll reconnect with your body, your emotions, and your energy. You’ll start to feel more alive, with a sense of vitality that you may not have experienced in a long time.

This process isn’t about quick fixes—it’s about creating lasting, sustainable change. As we work together, you’ll find yourself coming back to life, feeling better in your own skin, and showing up with more vitality in every aspect of your life.

Here’s what you can expect to feel:

  • A renewed sense of calm and control. You’ll learn how to manage stress and anxiety in real time, so you no longer feel like life is something happening to you. Instead, you’ll navigate challenges with clarity and confidence.

  • A deeper connection to yourself and others. As you open up to your emotions and begin to trust your instincts, you’ll experience more authentic, fulfilling relationships. You’ll find that vulnerability doesn’t weaken you—it strengthens you.

  • Confidence in who you are and what you want. No more feeling lost or unsure of your direction. You’ll gain clarity on your purpose and step into a version of yourself that feels aligned and empowered.

  • Increased energy and resilience. By working on your body, you’ll discover an energy you thought was gone. You’ll wake up feeling more refreshed, motivated, and ready to take on the day without the constant weight of stress and overwhelm.


  • Somatic coaching is a body-centered approach to trauma healing that helps men reconnect with their bodies and process stored trauma. The Greek word for "body" is "soma." Somatic coaching includes various somatic healing practices like breathwork, Trauma Release Exercises (TRE), the Hakomi Method, and Somatic Experiencing.

    The model of somatic therapies I practice is rooted in Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal Theory, IFS (Internal Family Systems), Somatic Mindfulness, and the MELD Method. I also infuse other body-based modalities, such as intuitive movement and breathwork, to tailor the experience to each client’s needs.

    Read more about somatic trauma healing here.

  • Common signs of unresolved trauma include anger, emotional numbness, withdrawal from relationships, and chronic stress or burnout. If you resonate with any of these symptoms, chances are you’re dealing with unresolved trauma.

    Unhealed trauma often leads to men’s emotional disconnection and can show up in the body as tension or pain, which somatic coaching helps release.

    Read more about the signs of trauma in men here.

  • Trauma often feels like a persistent, overwhelming weight, even after the initial stressor is gone. If you notice patterns of avoidance, dissociation, or deep-seated emotional reactions, it’s likely trauma. The somatic approach helps you identify whether it’s stress or trauma by focusing on how your body holds onto the experience.

    Read more about how to tell the difference between trauma and stress here.

  • In traditional talk therapy like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), the focus is on reframing negative thoughts and changing behavior patterns. It's a top-down approach—working from the mind to the body.
    Somatic coaching, however, is a bottom-up approach, meaning the focus is on the body first. Through body-centered trauma healing, we drop awareness into the body, noticing sensations and feelings before attributing meaning to them. Releasing trauma becomes a physiological process rather than just a psychological one, helping men truly heal trauma stored in the body.

    Read more about the difference between somatic coaching and regular or traditional therapy here.

  • It’s all about chemistry. In somatic trauma coaching, feeling safe, seen, and heard is crucial. We’ll hop on a call to assess if we’re a good fit. If you feel both a bit nervous and hopeful during our initial interaction, that’s a great sign. Feeling emotional safety during this process is key to successful somatic healing.

    Remember, the worst-case scenario is that we’re not a match, and that’s perfectly okay.

  • I work with clients virtually, 3 times a month, for a minimum of 6 months. Each session lasts 60 minutes. We start by developing your somatic intelligence and learning the language of your body. This includes nervous system regulation techniques to help you manage stress and overwhelm effectively.

    Over time, we’ll address specific topics in your life, helping you gain a new perspective and take conscious action. The goal is to slowly and intentionally guide you through healing trauma and achieving the transformation you desire.

  • The timeline for results varies. Some men experience significant breakthroughs after a few sessions, while others need more time depending on the depth of their trauma. Somatic trauma healing is a gradual process of reconnecting with your body and building emotional resilience.

    Read more about the process here.

  • Childhood trauma often creates patterns of emotional suppression that last well into adulthood. Somatic coaching for childhood trauma helps men break free from these lifelong patterns by reconnecting them with their bodies, allowing them to safely process unresolved emotional wounds.

    Read more about how somatic coaching addresses childhood trauma in men here.

    • Emotional Trauma

    • Physical Trauma

    • Sexual Trauma

    • Acute and Complex Trauma

    • PTSD and cPTSD

    • Marriage/Partnership

    • Separation/Divorce

    • Confidence and Motivation

    • Behavior Modification and Habit Training

    • Somatic Embodiment

    • Emotional Awareness and Intelligence

    • Conflict Resolution and Communication

  • Most clients work with me for 1.5 to 2 years. There’s a minimum 6-month commitment to ensure that somatic healing has time to take root and create lasting change.

  • I have a BA in Education, and I spent years teaching young people across Northern California. Now, I’m a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), a Certified Co-Active Coach (CPCC), and ICF Certified, with specialized training in body-centered trauma healing for men.

  • In our sessions, you'll experience a combination of techniques from Somatic Experiencing, IFS (Internal Family Systems), Inner Child Work, movement therapy, breathwork, and mindfulness. These modalities work together to help you heal from trauma, reconnect with your body, and regain control of your life.

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